Once upon a time in the life of a princess fairy tale of the son of a farmer. As usual in the morning Fiona was in the kitchen to cook, she cooked for lunch herself and her father, who is very hot during the day and the sun was scorching Fiona went to the fields to deliver lunch to his father. Arriving in a field he calls his father, " Dad! Break Fiona's father had brought food ". "Yes son moment" replied his father. "Oh so good this kid" his father said. "Yes Fiona's father specifically made this meal for my father, please father we have lunch first." Fiona and his father have lunch together in the field that afternoon, the sun does not feel for them because there is coolness when together. Fiona is just living alone with her father, her mother had died when he was 3 years old now 17-year-old Fiona. while their lunch father said to Fiona "kid what if the father married again? In order for anyone to accompany you when the father went to work da tone replace you take care of everything at home? That ye be not too tired every day to work at home." Fiona replied " emm .. if the father had found a suitable candidate for a new mother to Fiona? Fiona did not want to have a bad mother to Fiona, well, want to have a stepmother Fiona very saying to Fiona ". "Yes father had found him, and the father thought he would be a good mother and father for you son very sure it's" Fiona's father replied. "It's gone up if it was a good father will definitely agree Fiona" Fiona said. "Yes dad tonight invite prospective home mom yes son, let you guys know each other and familiar" his father said. And they went on their lunch. One hour they rested, they were quickly returned home because the day that has begun to be late. At nightfall father mother Fiona. Fiona was picked candidate. "Son's father went to pick up your new mothers first yes?" Said Fiona's father. "Yes father carefully on the road yes" Fiona replied. Approximately two hours of Fiona's father went home with a woman who will be the new mother Fiona. "Fiona .! father's home clay father with whom "," pretty well once the father, what he new mother am I? "," yes son, please shake hands with prospective mother "," beautiful children, you have not slept son? "she said. "Yet again waiting for the father's mother was home" Fiona replied. They both amid the silence of the night talking to each other at that time. After a week of getting to know each other Fiona's father decided to marry her immediately, and Fiona also looks happy will have a new mother who was very fond of him. The days which usually Fiona with her father passed just perfect now been increased because there is a mother figure in the house which adds little warmth in the family. After 3 years of marriage the father and mother Fiona, Fiona's father started a sickly because of age who have started the old Start Up. "Fiona please bring medicine to the father" said the mother of Fiona. "Yes mom" Fiona replied, "The cure mom, dad taking medication yes so get well" said Fiona. "Yes son, yes thank you father a child is the most good". Fiona just smiling mask the sadness in his heart for seeing the current state of the father. Approximately one year Fiona ill father eventually he died. Fairly deep sadness felt by Fiona and her mother. "Mom dad is gone now we just live together, as they used to be when I just live alone with dad". "Son you do not have to cry anymore there's still the mother who will always take care of you" said his mother. After one week of the death of Fiona's father in the royal palace of the fairy tale king held a contest for deaden curse that befell his son is the prince who was cursed into stone by an evil witch. "He who is able to eliminate the curse will be received by my son I gave him as wife of the prince". Such was the competition presented by the king to the people in a fairy tale. The curse will only be lost if there is some water from a woman but only a woman who has a sincere heart and has the merit that could eliminate the curse. One day when the king was walking in the woods he fell, there was a woman who rescued the king and brought the king to his home to be treated. "Who's your name, son?" Asked the king to her. "My name is Fiona the king" he replied. "You only live alone with your mother?" Asked the king. "Yes the king, my father just passed away about one months ago". "Oh so sorry I did not mean to, where your mother's son?". "Yes it's okay king, my mother was the king of the fields, this king please drink first". "This girl very well, what if I tell him to join the competition in the palace" the king said in the liver. "Yes thank you, girl what if you join the competition in the palace for removing the curse of my son not to become a rock anymore" the king said, "yes equally king, I can do the king?" Said Fiona. "I'm sure you must be biased, son, because you have a good and sincere heart" replied the king. "Yes I will try tomorrow afternoon I will king came to the palace to join the contest" Fiona said. The king left the house Fiona with so much gratitude to Fiona. At nightfall Fiona who was sitting alone with his mother Fiona in front of the house said "Mom? Earlier afternoon I helped the king in the jungle because he fell and was injured, I will immediately bring him back to the house and treat it mom then asked me to participate in the contest at the court tomorrow to eliminate the curse of the prince who became a stone, according to the mother how? Fiona may participate or not mom? "Fiona asked her mother. "You did good kid once Fiona's mother is very proud of you, if you want to join the contest would allow mother Fiona" Fiona's mother replied. "Thank you mother, let us sleep mom was late". So they went to sleep. Fiona next morning to get ready to go to the palace. "Mom I go to the royal palace was yes ma'am". Fiona said goodbye to his mother. "Yes son carefully streets yes Fiona" the mother replied. After arriving at the palace of the king immediately invited Fiona to go, in the palace was already a lot of other girls who joined the contest. One by one she threw water on the stone prince but nothing worked, now turn to Fiona for spraying water on the stone prince, with full sincerity Fiona spraying water on the stone prince, and finally after completion douse the stone was turned into a very handsome prince flawless. Prince was feeling very happy together and holding hands and thank Fiona. "Thank you has removed my curse, you're a good woman and has a very sincere heart, for it will you accept my love?" The prince said to Fiona. "Yes equally prince, prince sorry I do not want much of my mother". Fiona replied. "Take it easy later on when we're married your mother will live in the palace forever" said the prince. "The true prince? Then I received the love it ". Fiona replied with a full sense of happiness. Next day to hold a wedding in the palace with the prince's Fiona, a very encouraging atmosphere in the palace, the bride and groom also looks very happy including the parents of the bride and groom. And finally after they were married they lived happily forever, and those who would assemble a future in a fairy tale.
The End.
The End.

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